Friday, November 10, 2023



Part 1. Simon has a new plan to take over the city: he will have his army take over the city the next morning. Cad Lackey, Simon's henchman, points out that his plan won't work because the authorities will capture his army and Simon will end up the laughing stock of the city. But there is more to the mad scientist's plan than it seems... That night, Simon takes Cad to a street corner where he shows him a tricky traffic light control box. On the box are two buttons; one will sound an air raid siren that will send everyone in the city into their homes or air raid shelters. When Simon pushes the second button, it will slam all the doors and windows shut and trap everyone inside thus making the plunder of the city easy. The two fiends leave the scene to prepare for the take over of the city. But the two villains are unaware that Sweet Polly has been following them and she calls for Underdog for help. The next morning, the pair are stopped by a cop as they head for the street corner to push the buttons on the tricky control box. The cop tells them that it is Thanksgiving Day and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will be marching down the streets for hours. Hence, no one is permitted to cross the streets. This doesn't stop Simon. Together, the two villains head back to Simon's basement lab where Simon takes out one of his time bombs. The evil twosome will travel back in time to prevent the Pilgrims of 1621 Plymouth Rock from becoming friendly with the Indians and starting the Thanksgiving tradition. Part 2. Simon and Cad use one of Simon's time bombs to head back in time to Plymouth Rock in 1621 where they destroy the Indian village and the Pilgrims settlement. In present day, Sweet Polly and Underdog head for the two villains basement lab where they find Simon's hidden cache of time bombs in a secret compartment behind a bookcase. They use the time travel device to land in 1621 Plymouth Rock... only to discover that a war between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans has started and that Simon and Cad have returned to the 20th Century.                

             Part 3. After destroying both the Indians reservation and the pilgrims' settlement, Simon and Cad return to the 20th Century where the Thanksgiving Day Parade and all the remnants of Thanksgiving are gone. With this interference out of the way, Simon gives his army the signal and the villain's armed forces begin their assault on the city. In the past, Underdog and Polly try to stop the war between the Indians and the Pilgrims, but neither side is willing to stop fighting and apologize. Part 4. Simon, Cad and their army are about ready to attack the city. Underdog takes away the Indians and the pilgrims' weapons and points out to both sides that the strange little paleface Simon is the one responsible for causing the destruction of both parties' homes and instigating the war. Both the Indians and the pilgrims refuse to make a peace pact and apologize until our hero builds new homes for both sides. Seeing how foolish and unnecessarily destructive their war was, the pilgrims and the Indians unite and finally have their Thanksgiving feast- the first one ever.

The Thanksgiving Day Parade starting marching down the streets once again and take Simon and Cad with them. The villains' army is captured and Simon and Cad are made the laughing stock of the city. Underdog and Polly use their second time bomb to return to the 20th Century. Underdog flies in the Thanksgiving Day Parade to introduce Macy's new Underdog Balloon.


      You may be thinking, what does the previous cartoon have to do with politics and you? 

Many voters were disenfranchised with Hillary, weeks before the election because of this. 
They stayed home, and zealots went to the polls and voted. 


All of us have seen and felt, the Draconian World Trump was creating. 
The overturning of Roe vs Wade, was just a single domino. 
If we don't keep the Republicans out of the White House, Congress, Senate and 
other offices. Where they can't separate their religious ideologies from jobs. 
We only have ourselves to blame.


Desantis told us we can't say gay and banned books, the Republicans
will rewrite or ignore The Constitution. The land of the free.
And the home of the Brave. Will live on or die with your votes.


 including the dismantling of protective agencies and throwing out the pandemic guide. 1,136,920 Americans lost their lives, and thanks to his 'Fake News." campaign, far too many believe it didn't happen.
what we watch, see, hear, and think. 
                Under MAGA Control, this post would be banned, and us thrown in prison.

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Freedom isn't easy, submitting to tyranny requires you doing nothing.

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